That's for sure. The advent of 24/7 social media seems to have lobotomized people - few of them can form an opinion or thought independently and, even more scary to me, nobody is held accountable for propagating blatant lies, half-truths, etc. Most of the media falls into the same bucket. Pick a lie and run with it !!!
I have talked to dozens of young people and I have drawn the conclusion that the America I know and love is at the end of her life cycle. I am unsure how the models I hear proposed are supposed to work financially but it is a certainty that this place is going to have a much larger government intruding into everyone's lives and wallets in the future. As the boomer generation dies off the resistance to this continual assault on the basics of the country will fade. I'm astonished when I hear people talking about "forgiving" loans and such - don't people realize that doing that is called stealing in most rational parts of the world ? Yet another example of no accountability.
You know things are crazy when young people in our own country want to burn our flag yet the world is watching young people in Hong Kong carrying it as a symbol of freedom - with potentially deadly consequences.