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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello all! Picked up the vintage audio bug during the pandemic. Buying, selling, recently started repairing, and enjoying. The 2 pieces I've kept and won't give up are a TFM-35, and TFM-35X. The 35X powers a pair Klipsch Forte 2's in my living room. And the 35 runs some Polk RTA-15TL's in the garage. I don't want to turn this post into a Help Me post, but I had an issue with the 35 that cooked one of the TL's, so I'll be learning a new skill or 2 (replacing voice coils, and tracking down and replacing output transistors) Anyway, glad to be here!
    5 points
  2. Thank you! Three years is tough to beat especially with my setup although for sure I will be a bit more careful this time ๐Ÿ˜‡. I reached out to Greg. Thanks again.
    3 points
  3. I think everyone here that owns a piece of Sunfire gear would like the schematics. If you do pull the amp think about the following. Since you are on the West Coast you have an EXCELLENT Carver service center just above you in the state of Washington. This makes your shipping bill less than what it would cost me to send my two amps from the East Coast. I have done it and would not hesitate to do it again. One of the good things, and you would have to get varification from him, is the warranty. He provides One(1) year not the typical shops 90 days. I would reach out to; https://carveraudiorepair.com/index.html The second place to contact would be here and ask questions. Greg services a wide variety of audio amplifiers as you will see in this link. He is hands down the best. https://nelionaudio.com/index.php?/services.html/repairs/general-amplifier-preamp-receiver-repair-r24/ Look at this page and pick any amp and scan down to where he tells you what the warranty is. https://nelionaudio.com/index.php?/services.html/carver/carver-amplifiers/ Three (3) years, that's how confident he is. And good. My son and I have had many Carver, Sunfire, and Phase Linear pieces done by both. Wish you well!
    3 points
  4. Yeah, thanks. So still not back from George Meyer AV in LA. Tech is very competent and got the amp section working (he said he had never seen one this bad LOL) but the input stuff is acting up. I would love a set of schematics. GMAV is excellent but maybe it's time I pulled it from them and gave it to a specialist- ugh. Just trying not to ship it. The owner was stunned that it was the amp that I was bringing in. He said they always get the speakers driven by a 600 brought to them with their cones blown out. Polks: 1 Sunfire 600: 0 LOL.
    2 points
  5. Hello Northerner, glad you found us. The TFM amps are popular here, and so are your speaker choices. I have a pair of Polk Series 2 Monitor 10 speakers, and I'm very happy with them. Welcome aboard!
    1 point
  6. @Northerner Welcome to the Carver site!! Two very nice systems. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your gear. Welcome!!
    1 point
  7. Welcome, @Northerner. Nice avatar! For sure. glad you found us. There is a section/forum on speaker repair..., if you want, start a thread and record your repair..., it might help others in the future, and it might also spark some interest in other experts here, to help you, if you need it. We love pictures..., a few more posts/reactions from members, and you'll be able to post a picture of your gear. We love that! Again, glad you found us and welcome.
    1 point
  8. Totally worth the investment. I can't think of a reason you would not be able to recoup your money in the future. I had 9 amps when I got my Sig 600. I sold all of them. I wish I had kept a couple but that's just nostalgia. The only thing I don't like is unplugging the beast when not in use (highly recommended).
    1 point
  9. Returning in this audiophile passion I have bought two Carver amps , a TFM45 and a TFM25, in a "Only for spare parts "condition .... The 25 start runing easy after recap and relay clean , but the 45...... After some extra time (on year) I finally repair it. the failure appears after some months . Changing all output transistor and insulation pads finally don't fail any more. Really I enjoy it so much
    1 point
  10. Welcome to the site @alf57! Thatโ€™s a great way to jump back in to the hobby - buying two amp that need repair. Very well done, sir! And congratulations on both repairs. Pull up a chair and get comfortable - youโ€™ll fit right in here. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    1 point
  11. Ditto, @StevenP, it's too easy for local shops "to think" they can fix a Sunfire amp. There is little to no service documentation out there..., and some of these shops end up putting them on the shelf for years, as @PMAT noted above. Be careful, because someone who is unaware of how Sunfire Amps operate, can actually butcher them, and destroy internal parts that are no longer obtainable. You best bet is to send it off to Greg at Nelion - the reputation he has is clear, and you'll get your amp back in better-than-new condition. Post here on your journey, and outcome! We want to see you successful. It is not to say that there aren't other techs out there..., it's just the Carver Site has not heard of them.., and we get around! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    1 point
  12. I have the same amp and yes it is wonderful in many ways. HOWEVER, "in for minor repairs" is frightening. I bought mine used and broken because it sat in a reputable repair shop for almost a year for "minor repairs". Most shop cannot work on these things. They can certainly make them worse. Consider getting it to Greg here (nelion audio). This is not a plug for Greg. It is a rescue mission for a fallen soldier that needs a specialist.
    1 point
  13. Heh, heh, heh. Your journey is just beginning Padawan, but I'm glad that you're happy for now. Welcome aboard StevenP! Glad you found us. That Sunfire amp and big Polks are very popular here. Once you get to Novice status, you'll be able to post pics, and we all love pics of all kinds of audio and home theater gear. As Andrew mentioned, the proper place is in the Member's Systems area, and it's here: https://thecarversite.com/forum/20-members-systems/
    1 point
  14. Welcome to The Carver Site, @StevenP, so glad you found us! Why stop at one? I keep my eyes open for another 600x2 to compliment the one I have. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think that a couple more things are on your wishlist..., like a Sunfire VTCC (Vacuum Tube Control Center) the matching Sunfire Preamp to your 600x2 amplifier..., Again, welcome. BTW, we LOVE pictures. When you get your amp back, post some pictures of your system with those Polks, in the "Member's Systems" section. ...and now, curious minds want to know..., when you get your 600x2 back..., what it was your tech repaired..., it might help another member be on the look out for similar issue(s).
    1 point
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