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RPA-1 Man

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Everything posted by RPA-1 Man

  1. WELCOME! Also love my M500t. Plus the meters look really cool. 😎
  2. Welcome to the forum Tom! Ahhh! Gear regrets. Been there, done that. It is what it is. Can't dwell on the past. Keep looking ahead to better gear.
  3. I'm not sure if you're aware but the push button switches are a known weak point on these units. I had to replace one on my reverb unit and I think one on my RG-2 Dynamic Range Expander of the same generation. It sounds like yours are working fine so far. Cool!
  4. I think it's a great idea but I like looking at my M500t even when it's not being used. Can't get enough of the big meters. 😀
  5. Have you started working on it? What are your thoughts? It looks pretty cool but you have to be judicious with with the settings as it's not hard to go overboard with the reverb effect.
  6. Thanks! I'm very happy with this receiver. It has really curbed my thirst for buying more receivers. I picked it up for $600. The protection circuit would randomly engage. Turned out to be a bad zener diode on the protection board. After the repair I did a full recap and replaced known faulty transistors. It sounds amazing to my ears. It is rated at 85w/ch which is way more than I ever use.
  7. Welcome Jamieson! Looking forward to seeing photos of your system.
  8. Holy Cow! Thirteen years here. Time surely flies. @hauntedz28Welcome to the site. Sounds like a good time to me. As soon as I finish up with a couple of turntables I'll be diving into another C-1 BillD mod and a M1.5t.
  9. RPA-1 Man

    RPA-1 Man's Current Main System

    Pioneer SX-950 Receiver, Pioneer PL-518 Turntable with Shure V15 Type IV Phono Cartridge, Carver C-9 Sonic Holography Generator, Pioneer SR-303 Reverberation Amplifier, Pioneer RG-2 Dynamic Range Expander, DBX 231 Graphic Equalizer, Pioneer DT-500 Audio Timer, Pioneer P-D70 CD Player, Yamaha K-1000 3-Head Cassette Deck w/DBX and finally Pioneer HPM-100 Speakers The smaller, powered Pioneer S-DJ80 speakers on top of the HPM-100's are connected to the Vizio television.
  10. I wish your wife a speedy recovery.
  11. I totally agree Michael. Wish i had gotten my hands on the V15 Type V back in the day. I had it was even better. The thing is I rarely play vinyl these days. Not because I don't want to buy because we share the living room with my mother-in-law so the TV is on most of the time. Whatever, I'm not going to take that away from her. She is 90 and won't be around forever.
  12. Hey Michael, Just saw this post. Have you received your cart back from servicing? If so, how are you liking it? I love my Shure V15 Type IV. I've had it since new in the late 70's. Of course the styles had been replaced with a new Hyper Elyptical type. I did a comparison with my son of this cart and the Shure M97XE. They are the only two carts I currently own. My son immediately fell in love the V15. To his ears, and mine, it has a much clearer and cleaner sound than the M97XE.
  13. WELCOME K6BUK!! Lots of good people and much Carver knowledge to be had here.
  14. Welcome Tom! Hope you enjoy your time here. There are a great bunch of folks here with the same interests.
  15. I don't think Ive ever heard a recording by Katie Melua that didn't sound great. Nice to have artists that care about audio quality.
  16. You guys are too funny. I love it!
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