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Gene C

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Gene C last won the day on November 16 2015

Gene C had the most liked content!

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MT-200 Transistor

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  1. Became a big Ghost B.C. fan around Nov 2015. Became an even bigger fan when I heard Dave Grohl had filled in for them a few times on tour as one of the "Nameless Ghouls". This song is off their up and coming album due for release this year.
  2. He had a kid and got busy with life and work the last time I talked with him...
  3. Welcome aboard...
  4. Sublime and Rome - Sirens (feat. Dirty Heads) Your browser does not support this audio format.
  5. Nice acquisition Chuck!
  6. Welcome back Joe.
  7. They also forgot any song by Meatloaf.
  8. Led Zeppelin - Ten Years Gone Your browser does not support this audio format.
  9. Looks good, can't wait.
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