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Posts posted by jeffs

  1. 31 minutes ago, MHzTweaker said:

    I think I really want a C-16

    There is a C-6 on ebay right now.  That will be a good judge of how much you're going to pay for a C-16, it's the silver model, otherwise same I believe.

    The C-6 might be rarer, not sure.

    Anyway - it's day1 of a 10 day auction and it's already at $335..... feels like it's going to go pretty high?

    • Thank You 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Sk1Bum said:

    Of your list, the only items I've listened to are the M-500t and the C-1. Those two are very complimentary together



    My bench/office system consists of C-1, M-500t, JBL4311B. It's a nice combination.


    I also have listened to a TFM-25. It has a traditional transformer. Probably good for rear channel use. If I had to power my house with a generator for any length of time and was jonesing to turn on the HiFi, I'd probably go with the TFM-25. The traditional transformer is likely less susceptible to self destruct when running off crap power ....LOL. The Mag coils configs are not going to do very well. 


    9 hours ago, TomcatCrew said:

    a Mint Set of 1979 JBL 4311's.

    You need to get rid of these at all cost. I'll take them off your hands ... need my address??? LOL.

    • Thank You 3
    • Haha 2
  3. Calvary Cross by Still Corners , live studio (probably Youtube only)


    Not sure that I care for the entire song, but the beginning thru the first minute or so has some very warm room filling bass that is well defined without that muddy sound.

  4. I recently bought a set of speakers.

    The owner offered up his vinyl collection for me to pick. Might as well have been my collection, Jeff Beck, Dire Straits (everyone demos gear with Dire Straits), etc. All good stuff. All sounded really good.  I hooked my phone up via bluetooth and put on Chitlins Con Carne by Stevie Ray Vaughn and turned it up to a reasonably high level. It's my go-to "demo" tune. The percussion thumps you in the chest while the guitar just floats around. One can listen at high levels without any discomfort. I looked over and his mouth was hanging open. The speakers didn't fit his new space so he had to sell them ....😊

    • Thank You 2
    • That Rocks 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Brian_at_HHH said:

    There is definitely something very wonky about the pricing (note these $$$ are from Amazon Canada's site):


    LP Version         $46.00

    CD Version      $486.97  (yes, that IS real!!!!)

    The LP version is not the box-set. If you select the LP you will see the CD that matches the LP for $9.69US.... 12 songs.


    The box set for $341.33US contains 18 CDs! 

  6. Phil - I'm going to evaluate my current receiver over the next few days to see if I can get it to behave. If not, I'm going to kick it to the curb.

    I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to buy a unit with output amps. The processor/pres are just too expensive. Manufacturers clearly want us to buy a unit with amps, so I'm not going to fight it. My 5.1 speaker setup isn't expanding any time soon, so anything more than 7.2 is way in my future (I would need a new house even to get to 7 speakers).


    The Denon AVRX3500H at $500-600 seems to cover my needs and is on my short list if I have to buy something soon. I have no experience with this unit so if anyone does, it would be nice to hear about it.

  7. 3 minutes ago, PhilDent said:

    However, I'm finding that most of the separates have a ton of features that I don't need and cost a lot more than I want to spend. 

    Yup - I have not used the Yamaha amps in years so I figured a pre-amp processor would be the ticket as I'd like to get more current on HDMI capabilities. I was shocked by the cost of these units.

    My Yamaha preamp output levels are somewhat lower than other units I've used in the past, but are sufficient for my needs.

  8. 1 hour ago, Dadvw said:

    I like changing the names to tell me what my source is.....Sony VHS, Sony Beta, Sony 8mm.........grin 

    My Yamaha appears to be dying.  Clicks and pops when it changes sources, noisy outputs when there is no source content. I need to check the cabling tonight, hopefully there is just a loose connection, otherwise it's days are numbered. 


    The emotiva mc-700 has less features than the Outlaw, but it's $200 less and it looks to be able to change the displayed name.

    I had a chat with a guy from Outlaw and basically told him this issue would prevent me from spending $1K with his company .... big oversight.

    In the end, Outlaw does not seem to be what they say they are ........ I believe their unit is just a re-branded Chinese unit, not their own design .....


    From their site: "Outlaw designs and manufactures its own brand of high performance audio/video components"


    Look at the Fortex DE4348 or the Sonodyne DE4348 next to the Outlaw 976 ....... they all look the same to me ... hmmmm.....


    I'm probably just going to buy another Yammy when my current unit becomes unbearable.


    • Thank You 1
  9. I got pretty excited about the Outlaw and reviewed it in some detail (I read the manual).

    I don't know why in 2020 a unit would not have the ability to change the source name that ends up being displayed?

    The sources are defined as "cable/sat, disc, game, media, server, and aux".  I don't have any of those (maybe DISC?, maybe media?)

    My Yamaha AV receiver is 10 years old and allows the names to be changed ... "Apple TV, Blu-ray, Roku, Firestick" are easily understandable.

    This simple oversight would be a non-starter for me, disappointing because the unit looks pretty good otherwise.



  10. @Nahash5150 - ya I had a early morning brain fart with this one. I typed your name with all lower case and the list came up with "Nahash5150" so I thought - yup that's who I want and just continued on like it was correct. As @Brian_at_HHH points out, it was almost off the screen, mostly covered by the info bar on Chrome. If I had closed that bar, I might have proceeded differently ... but probably not.


    • Thank You 1
  11. Doubt this is off the beaten path?

    I know there was a recent remake, but I just don't think it could possibly compare. No desire to see it.

    I bought this movie on DVD about 12 years ago. I'd seen it several times over the years, but wanted to see it again.

    I used to watch a lot of movies with my kids, mostly Disney and the like. Youngest was probably about 10 at the time. They wanted to watch it so .... OK.

    They sat thru the entire movie - loved it .... it's 2.5 hours long.





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    • Love this! 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, 69Chevelle said:

    "Shooter- Mark Wahlberg" respectively

    For me "Shooter" is one of those movies that I stop to watch if I happen across it while scrolling thru the stations. Stop every time and watch whatever is left. I'd guess others do this as well (with different movies). Shooter is somehow on this list for me. Not sure why?

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