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Brian_at_HHH last won the day on March 29 2023

Brian_at_HHH had the most liked content!


About Brian_at_HHH

  • Birthday 12/23/1960

Community Information

  • Member Title
    ManServant for the Dark Alliance! (& OCCD obsessive!)

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    Pickering, ON, Canada
  • Homepage
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  • RealName
    Brian MacNamara
  • Occupation
    Computer Systems Manager

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TO-264 Transistor

TO-264 Transistor (19/21)

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  1. M-m-m-maybe! I think my computer certainly was. Sorry about those - not sure w-w-what h-h-happened.
  2. Duplicate post - sorry!
  3. Pictures???? Or it didn't happen - to quote a friend, here!
  4. That's about as classic U.H. as you can get. Feel like I just stepped back to the early 70's. Very cool!
  5. Welcome to the site, Mark! Sounds like you are already in touch with the right person for the ribbons.
  6. Welcome to the group! That IS quite the collection - congrats on it! You are certainly in the right place for info on maintaining or repairing equipment - Carver and others. There are lots of folks here who have a mass of knowledge, myself, unfortunately, not included (what are all those pretty components stuck on that circuit board?!?!?!). Join in the fun, and make sure you take time to enjoy the music!
  7. Welcome to the group! You're obviously among those who know better, here. Those who make those claims haven't bothered (or aren't able) to understand how the technology in the Carver amps works, and they prefer to assume a good amp has to weigh as much as a small car to be good. I won't offer any advice on building or fixing (my knowledge on which end of a soldering gun to hold is iffy at best), but there are plenty of folks here who can help. In the mean time, you have my encouragement to dive back in and have fun, both at the build/fix end and at the all important - "it works, time to listen" end!
  8. Welcome Steve! Hope your neighbors love your taste in music! They're going to be hearing it, by the sounds of it - even if the nearest is a couple of miles away! Sounds like a great excuse for another sub. Tough choice to have to deal with! Good luck with it and let us know how it goes!
  9. Welcome @tgoggans! Your dad, and now you, clearly had some great taste in gear! Not that the Sherwood was any slouch, either. Sounds like you have a nice setup, there - enjoy!!!! I can't offer much in the way of technical advice, but there are plenty of folks here who can offer advice or assist in fixing your components. I'll let the appropriate folks pipe up for that, but if they don't - ask, and someone will, or will direct you to Greg (Nahash5150) at nelionaudio.com .
  10. Welcome to the group! I see the additive nature of Carver gear, already has it's hooks into to - too late to warn you about OCCD, so just embrace it and enjoy the ride! I'm not remotely technically inclined, though like many people here, I'm fascinated with it. As a result, I've watched many repair videos, including for the M400 series. They are a real challenge - it's very difficult to access the components to test anything in place, and it's a definite 3-D jigsaw puzzle to get it all back in that tight space. Just take your time, be patient, and don't let the beast get to you, and it'll work out great! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy the music!
  11. Welcome to the group! Hope all the components fire up and work flawlessly for you!
  12. Welcome Fred! Good luck with your quest - hope you are able to find the gear you are looking for and get back to enjoying the sound you are missing!
  13. Welcome Mathieu!! It's clearly too late to warn you of the addictive nature of Carver gear! Welcome to the fun world of OCCD!!!!
  14. I've got to say, I love the look on Bob's face in that lower picture. 😀
  15. A belated welcome to the group. You have quite the collection of gear to enjoy, and you are clearly making it better. Best wishes with your health issues. Here's hoping they do find a cure for it, for you, and in the mean time that you get to avoid any infections. Stay well and safe, and please feel free to join in - you clearly do belong, here!
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