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About sea

  • Birthday January 23

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    Carverfest Coordinator

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    Burlington, NC
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  1. Yes. Glad they are coming.
  2. Hi Everyone, I heard from Peggy, Bob Carver's wife, yesterday. I am delighted to report that she and Bob are still set to attend!! Ed
  3. Excellent - Glad you are coming!!!! If Treehouse A was open that is great. Just be aware that unless all four Treehouses are occupied by CF people, music must be kept to a low volume.
  4. The scheduled events so far are: Sunday Evening Sept 8 - Dinner at cabin 8. We have again invited The Stonewood staff. We are planning a little different menu this year. Saturday Evening Sept 14 - For the fifth year Stonewood will host us all for an evening of good food and music at The Yard. Please reply with other events if you would like to organize one or host one.
      • 2
      • Thank You
  5. Good Morning All, It is almost exactly one month to the official start of CF2024. Due to various circumstances, we have a few cabin openings, Cabins 2, 6, 10 and Treehouse C are not rented. These have been recently released back to Stonewood to rent to the general public. If anyone has a last-minute interest in attending, you should act quickly. Here is the current slate as I know it. People are arriving at various times. Cabin 1 Doug Cabin 7 Jerry and Niki Cabin 8 Ed, Randi, Eric and Lori Ann Cabin 9 Martin and Charlie Cabin 11 Kirk, Darlene, Russ and Pat TH A Greg and Jenny TH B Bob and Carol TH D Steve Lofts Don, Terri, Tammy, Bob Carver, and Peggy We are so pleased that Bob is still slated to attend. Last I heard Ray and his family were at attend for several days but are staying somewhere off-site. Unless something changes (and I hope it does) long time attenders RobertR, Harry, Carolee and Mark will not be able to attend. We will certainly miss them. Cabin will host a meal for all including The Stonewood staff on Sunday Evening, Sept 8. The menu will be a little different this year. Stonewood will host us, for the fifth year in a row, on Saturday evening, Sept 14. Look forward to seeing all of you soon, Ed
  6. Sadly RobertR has decided that he will not attend this year. This makes Cabin 2 available. This is a 2 bedroom cabin that is very nice and affordable. The full 14 day stay with our discounts is $2200 and a 7 day stay is about $1450. This is a link to the Cabin 2 details....Watershed 02 | Bryson City, NC | Stonewood Cabins
  7. Good Day to All, It is only 112 days until the official start of Carverfest 2024. Please be reminded that reservations must be confirmed with Stonewood and deposits paid by June 15. Contact for Reservations Desiree Matlack Office : 828-222-0802 Cell : 252-305-9995 Email : desiree@stonewoodcabins.com Our contact on site for questions about cabins or other issues is Brittany Trussel Cell 828 735 9054 Email : Brittany@stonewoodcabins.com
  8. REVISED REVISED REVISED REVISED I have new contact information for this year's reservations. Our contact is Chelsea Hunt for reservations Office Number : 828-222-0802 Cell Number : 828-788-1334 Email : Chelsea@stonewoodcabins.com Our contact on site for questions about cabins or other issues is Brittany Trussel Cell 828 735 9054 Email : Brittany@stonewoodcabins.com Thanks, Ed
  9. This is absolutely wrong. It was a different Steve and I got confused. Thankfully the real SteveK alerted me to my error, and I am correcting. So glad SteveK is still coming.
  10. SteveK has had to back out and will not attend. This opens up a tree house.
  11. Good Sunday Morning to all, I have heard from many of you already. Thank you. I would like to pass on that has recently as yesterday Bob and Peggy indicated very positive intentions to attend for 9 days. That is good news. Many of you that have not met Bob should consider and make an effort to attend. The first year you would come because of Bob. After that you return because it is just a great time with great friends. Cabin 6 is still available. It is a three-bedroom cabin and is perfect for a group to share. With three people (or couples) sharing it becomes very affordable. A one-week stay is $2287. Divided three ways is only $109 per night. A 9-night stay kicks into the next discount tier and it drops to $95 per night ($2576 total). Angelo (angelod307) has expressed some interest in 6 and could be trying to put together a group. I don't know how often he visits this site. If you want to connect and he does not respond to a message, reach out to me and I will facilitate a connection. Ed
  12. I had a message that BrianT and Patricia will not be able to attend. I have removed them from the Tree Houses and added SteveK. We are sorry that Brain and Patricia are not going to make it but very glad that SteveK is returning.
  13. Bob and Carol are in!
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Use this Spreadsheet to get an estimate of cabin rental cost
  15. Good morning to all, I have not counted the exact days, but it is less than 6 months until Carverfest 2024. The cabins are pretty full at this point. Ray has decided not to attend for the entire time, so Cabin 6 is available. Ray told me he is still planning to come for a few days and may stay off site. My latest discussion with Bob and Peggy indicates they are still planning to return. I sure hope so! The rates have been finalized. I will post a new version of the calculator in the files section. After no increase last year, there is about a 5% rate increase for this coming fest. Please respond here, call me or otherwise contact me with your intent to exercise your "dibbs" by April 15. Reservations should be made to Stonewood no later than June 15 with deposits made.
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