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Rob last won the day on December 6

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About Rob

  • Birthday 08/11/1964

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TO-264 Transistor

TO-264 Transistor (19/21)

  • Nelion Christmas 2024 Rare

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  1. Welcome to the site!!!
  2. Welcome to the site!!!
  3. Welcome to the site!!!
  4. Welcome to the site!!!
  5. Welcome to the site. The MXR 150 was my first purchase and my only carver piece for more than 30 years. I loved it. Enjoy the power.
  6. I have seen damage very similar in many other Carver amps typically in TFM's. They get very hot and burn boards. But that one looks like it was cooked nicely.
  7. If the relays are not clicking, more than likely the unit is in protection mode and they won't click on. Did you say that you speakers won't work on another backup receiver? If that's the case I wouldn't think it would be the transformer this early in the diagnostic stage. If the speakers won't work then it was probably them that did something to the protection circuit in the receiver. Any fuses inside of the unit hiding under stuff that might be blown?
  8. VR452 is a 150k pot but I believe I used a 200k pot from another model before. You can still find pots that will work. Sometimes it just takes some digging.
  9. Welcome to the site. Greg @ Nelionaudio might have the part you need. Send him a message through his service email. He now has the receiver collection that I had.
  10. Welcome to the site!!!
  11. Welcome. Could be a couple things. Relays, balance knob or the switches on the input board that the cables go to from the source and dubbing flat knobs. You can spray those switches as well as the balance knob with deoxit and work them to see if it helps. You can get to them by removing the bottom panel.
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