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BobTFM35 last won the day on January 30

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    aka "BobCR275"

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    Philadelphia, PA
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  1. Welcome to the Carver Site!!
  2. @Rickallan With a little bit of research (you can help to confirm my findings) you might find that this could be your solution. Problem - Volume control pot not working and spins. MXR-130 Service manual reported Supplier Part number VBV16-154BT4K7 (Look on page 26 of the copied version (Page 28 from the original printed version as shown at the bottom of the page) of the MXR-130 service manual for Item number VR452) MXR-6250 Service manual reports the same Supplier Part number VBV16-154BT4K7 (Look on page 25 (31) of the MXR-6250 service manual for Item number VR902) Looking for a volume pot for an MXR-130 did not come up with a solution BUT looking for a volume pot for an MXR-6250 came up with this, CARVER 6250 RECEIVER PARTS volume balance board VR-764 with pots complete | eBay The next step might be a visual confirmation that yours looks like what is pictured in the ebay offering. The 8 pin pot is for volume control. Also, a question to the seller might be if the pot (the 8 pin pot) has a min and max stopping point and does not spin 360 degrees. Best of luck.
  3. Welcome to the Carver Site!!
  4. Welcome to the Carver Site!! Two places to think about, Nelion Audio - Authorized Carver Repair Carver Audio Repair
  5. Welcome to the Carver Site!! Good luck with getting the 15 working. I have three of them in my system along with two 35's and love the sound and the meters!!
  6. Welcome to the Carver site!!
  7. @stereo_dog You can start your quest here. They have a few that might interest you. Made in the U.S.A. Salt Lake City, UT Welcome to Bellari Audio - Bellari Audio
  8. Bellari PA550 Three Channel Preamp with Phono.
  9. @the_n3rd Welcome to the Carver Site!!
  10. @LSD Welcome to the Carver Site!!
  11. Now back to our regularly scheduled program..
  12. A little different. Gregorian Chants by Monks From Chiaravalle's Abbey
  13. These are the three copies of Atmos related recordings that I just received. The best of the Doors
  14. My son has the C-4000. I got to use it for an extended period of time after it came back from being restored. Needless to say it was a very enjoyable experience.
  15. He also sent me the new Ringo Starr album Look Up that I received yesterday.
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