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Receiver2000 last won the day on September 5

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About Receiver2000

  • Birthday December 8

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TO-247 Transistor

TO-247 Transistor (18/21)



  1. Yeah, I need to do that. The record sounds really great. I wish they would release Sleeps with Angels on vinyl.
  2. Just received this vinyl today from Neil Young's website.
  3. I have been to a couple crazy George Thorogood shows where it was smoke + whisky. Whew.
  4. We have seen them a couple times and I heard that they are playing out in Palm Springs and locally here in Anaheim soon. Might have to see them again. Good time music.
  5. Those guys do cook and I smile every time hat I see them perform.
  6. Welcome to the site!!!! I run the 35 as my primary and love it. Great to have you with us.
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