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Andy Judd

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About Andy Judd

  • Birthday 11/02/1963

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  1. So, I always remember the sound of the speaker relays clicking in and I do not hear that now. So it is likely before the relays or the relays themselves that are bad.
  2. I am betting it is the transformer at this point. Speakers are disconnected. However not working when hooked up to the backup receiver. What are the odds of everything getting blown up at once. My wife will ground me from Sammy Hagar going forward.
  3. No burn or dark marks inside the unit. Simple touch on all resistors seem solid. Cleaned the entire unit inside with contact cleaner spray and let it sit for 24 hours afterward. That was my thought as well.
  4. Hello I am new to the site I have a Carver htr 885.1 and running Klipsch speakers the tall skinny black ones. Recently while listening to some loud Sammy Hagar my system just shut down. I assume it overheated. Now the standby light just flashes. I tried the 24 hour unplug 3 separate times now and nothing. Any advice would be great.
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