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CT-Seven last won the day on October 25 2019

CT-Seven had the most liked content!

About CT-Seven

  • Birthday October 30

Community Information

  • Member Title
    The Post Master

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    MIAMI, FL 25.769211, -80.327887
  • RealName
    Bryan Garcia
  • Occupation
    I deliver the goods

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CT-Seven's Achievements

TO-247L Transistor

TO-247L Transistor (17/21)



  1. I too read but I am more focused on Ocean Liners that crossed the Atlantic between 1900’s to the 1960’s (wanted to be a maretime historían) I am currently reading
  2. Take me I am all yours 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. I have an XBOX ONE S as a dedicated Blue Ray, it will do 4K but it will not play SACD
  4. No offense taken but I have decided to do a separate thread on the matter to not derail this thread from the potential members who what to take advantage of the XM offer
  5. I deliver a bunch of their letters every day if they can reach you on the phone or email they will resort to snail mail
  6. Have you tried going into the ONSCREEN menu? Like the one you see on your TV? If I remember correctly in mines I could go in and change a SLEW of things on the fly using the onscreen menu
  7. Most of these can be found on Offer up for next to nothing if you search, I would cap myself at $200 if I was doing this endeavour
  8. I use a YAMAHA RX-V2700 it has hdmi plus the option for the IPOD dock which I since converted to bluetooth. Here is a thread from 2014 and other members chiming in that they had also used the 2700 as the brains of their systems.
  9. Testing out my 4th iteration of an M-500(t)
  10. Im fearing you have a valid point I have been searching again for the thread where I read it and NADA SO... time to update the thread title ?
  11. My new to me Toshiba SD-9200 DVD player has been wonderful to use for CD's lately but the more I read into it said that it touts itself as a universal player as it plays HDCD, Dvd-A and I have read in many forums that it will do 2-Channel only SACD. I want to find a 2 channel SACD to hear whats up, is there anything specific I should search for when looking for this 2 channel SACD as opposed to the multi track or hybrid SACD EDIT... I cannot seem to find the aformentioned 2 channel SACD option so... its back to block 1 this now became the DVD-A rabbit hole
  12. Not to highjack the thread but my player can only do 2 channel SACD are all discs native 2 channel or would there be some that would refuse to play because of this?
  13. I know its mostly noise but I enjoy the sountrack from ROCKY IV
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