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    santa barbara
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    Les Wolff
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    Electrical Engineer

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TO-18 Transistor

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  1. Your "0" on the tuner problem is the trim cap for the PLL. I have those on my ebay store, or you can send me a DM. Les
  2. Yep. When the trim capacitor oxidizes, it can go open. That makes the PLL IC lose its mind. Time for a fresh trim cap! Les
  3. Welcome, Matt! I suggest you get the power supply sorted out before doing anything else. I typically probe the rectifier diodes to do this. Red meter lead on the diode of interest and the black lead on the chassis. Measure and log both the DC and AC voltages. The AC voltage (on the rectified side of the diode) should be lower than 0.1 VAC. Something higher indicates a bad power supply capacitor, which will mess up the regulation. The kit you ordered from C & C includes the resistor R635, new speaker relays and a trim cap for the tuner. The high efficiency regulator I make replaces the 4 hot resistors on the main/amp board, and includes replacements for the 4 hot resistors on the noise reduction board. You shouldn't do that upgrade until the rest of the receiver is fully functional. Hope it goes well! Les
  4. Welcome to the site, Brian! Hearing from Tooele takes me way back... years ago I worked at the Hercules rocket plant in WVC. Cheers! Les
  5. Hello, and welcome to the site! You said that you measured the supply voltages per the photo I posted in the other thread. Could you share both the DC and AC measurements? These measurements are taken at the rectifier diodes because they are the most convenient point at which to probe. Thanks! Les
  6. Thanks to Steve for stepping into the job. Thanks also to Snow for all the work you did!!! Cheers! Les
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