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Hi All,
My first post was  reply to a M-500t mk II owner and I was encouraged to post here.
Like many of you, I was too young and lacked the financial resources to buy Phase and Carver as new models.
After moving from audio to AV (and selling my Hafler and NAD equipment) I am now overly enthusiastic about buying all of the equipment that I 'missed out' on as a youth. A Sansui 9090db, Bose 901's (no flames please) and various Marantz components. I had seen a Carver 1.0t mk II listed at TMR and it peaked my interest. I googled what the "mod" was and it really peaked my interest. By the time I decided I should buy it (as I found out they are local in Denver) it was gone! 
I recently dove in... an eBay listing on a M-500t mk II modified by Greg Garska. I overpaid but was ok with that in there is such a wait to get one modified. Unfortunately the dopey seller didn't pack it well and it arrived damaged. The seller was Canadian but it looks like the mod was done for someone from Georgia in September of 2012. 
I know the first rule of the Carver Club but I do have many questions. I have not searched to see which area in the forum is appropriate yet (about the meters, can you bridge it, where people list their equipment etc.)
Welcome to C! ItchItch
Sorry about your M500t and the bad packing.  Thumb down

Welcome itch itch you will love it here. There will be someone here who can make that new again for you. Plus I'm not sure but is that RichP sig on the front? That would be a treasured amp if so.

Thanks guys. 
I think that sticker denotes it was his design?
This is what documentation I received with the amp.
Welcome friend! 
That breaks my heart to see that.  
Unfortunately finding a new face plate and plastic trim will be difficult.   I am not aware of any M-500t parts donors between the technicians here.   Have you made an attempt to contact the seller?  Or begin the eBay claim process?
The entire process was a cluster. He didn't insure it (blamed me for not telling him to.) It was packed in some gross old foam in a paper thin box. Not double boxed. No protection for the edges. No returns. Long winded eBay messages with a condescending tone. Overtly stating that if I knew anything about audio equipment this would be an easy fix with some hand tools. When I mentioned that I learned how to etch boards when I was 10 years old he still accused me of not being appreciative of fine electronics nor my purchase. Moving on!
Please let us know the eBay sellers handle so we can protect ourselves from him.  
Time to file a claim with eBay.  I would take this as far as you can.  Please don't let him get away with it.  Did you take pictures of the packing?
A member here bought four M-500t's on eBay.  He had the seller send two of them directly to me for mods.  Both were packed together in one box.  He used crumpled news paper for filler.  Nothing else.  Surprise! Fortunately their was only minor damage.   I was able to repair the plastic meter face plate pieces with JB Weld.  

Welcome, Greetings and Salutations! You're going to love it here. Definitely persue the bad packing issue...


Welcome to the site Itchy emwink.gif  Looks as you have a RichP signed amp for sure.   It's a shame the seller was an AH.  I hate dealing with Fedex or UPS and it would have been useless to have it insured as the sender insures it so they get the money you get a credit and UPS or Fedex gets the amp and it is destroyed.  No winners only losers.  Fortunately the cosmetics does not interfere with the amps reproduction of the sound. Enjoy the music.  14.gif


Welcome to the site Itchitch, you are very welcome to stay around and hang with the cool OCCD dudes :--D

Hey Steve, you're getting the hang of this site navigation.
If you can't figure out a category for a question, no worries.  Just put it here and the moderator will categorize it.
You're right, great folks and amazing knowledge on this site.  Ask away.

-Such a warm reception!


-Yes, "itchy" was forced upon me during fraternity hell week. Stuck for 35 years now.


-I am not sure if I will pursue anything more than some type of credit for the damage from the seller (he offered $60 ugh.)

It looks as if this was the first sale for him. If I return it, it will be back on eBay at a reduced price and more shipping costs.

I retained the box, although the foam he used is pretty gross, like from a hospital mattress :(


-Dennis, based upon the number of posts you have I assume you are an expert here. I really don't want to sound like my wife

when we ran in to Dennis Rodman and she asked me who is Dennis Rodman.


Steve (Itch)

I am not this guy: I have no since of humor.   
And I am certainly not this guy:  Please
But if you have any problems with your amp then I am this guy:  I will do any warranty work required since this is a RichP modified amplifier.
  • Thank You 3

Awesome post Dennis!


Hey itchy, I believe my credit card listed with Paypal covers damage. U might want to check your card member agreement if you used a credit card or PayPal to pay.

-Funny Post! But... I am not sure of your affiliation with the mods (please no flames mr rodman.)
-The method of payment on Paypal was via my checking account.

I am not sure of your affiliation with the mods.
If this mkII mod was performed by Rich, Wayne, Greg, or me then you are golden.  Obviously we cannot warranty shipping damage.  But if the amp fails we will make it right.  Speaking for myself.  

Sorry about the shipping damage. Painful for guys here to look at. Welcome to Club Carver.

Hey great pic of your system Itchy!
Hopefully you can get that corner of the amp fixed up although it is not too noticeable from this vantage point. I bet it sounds great. I see your needles a jumpin'!
Is that Floyd's DSOTM playing on your Audio-Technica TT??
(Btw, if the picture get's inserted sideways, I hit cancel. I then open the pic on my computer, hit edit then resave. I have found that it then allows you to insert it into the Carver Site right side up. May be an Iphone issue for me. Not sure what your using. Maybe there is an easier way that others have figured out but that works for me.)

I honestly don't remember. My family purchased the AT for me a few months ago and I finally hooked it up. I have been playing a ton of vinyl in the last few hours. (Yes I know the 901's are reversed!)20160408155114571.jpg

Actually, the audio is a different system for my A/V . I will take some pics and post when I figure out the picture upload on my mac. It's powered by Parasound amps.

I just started listening to vinyl Itch and have a limited selection. I'm curious, do you have any go to fav's you particularly enjoy?

I think his system looks fine if he lives on the equator........emwink.gif
(It still looks fine if he does not!)

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