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Hi there, new member. Own a C9 and TX11 bought in 1980 and not used for a while. Experimenting with recording audio and would like to use the C9 in playback system. However, my C9 had a problem in left channel very early on and I am looking for a schematic so I can try to fix it (and upgrade parts). Also interested in more technical detail. I think we should be able to replicate the holographic effect using a DSP. Could be done in real-time or perhaps by preprocessing recordings (looking at Mid-Side recording…).

Hoping to find the info here, or get pointers as to where to look further :-)


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Welcome! You can get schematics and service data at the top of any page by clicking on the 'Manuals and Specsheets' tab.


As to recording, I've done a fair amount of location recording over the years (almost all acoustical) and the closest I've come to reproducing the Sonic Holography effect has been with the Neumann KU 100 Dummy Head. If you aren't familiar with the KU 100, it essentially produces a binaural recording taking into account the natural spacing of our ears and the accompanying time delay. And while the effect is good with quality speakers, it's great with headphones where room reflection artifacts aren't present. I think the KU 100 is somewhere around $10,000 right now, so kind of tough to justify to simply play around with it :)


The genius of what Bob Carver figured out with SH was how to deal with the left/right delay and room artifacts in a normal room with normal speakers. The only real requirement is to make sure the listening position is at a nodal point so the cancellation effect is at maximum.


I know many have recorded Sonic Holography encoded content and got good results. I'm not sure how one might use DSP to do similar, but I suppose a contemporary engineer who's familiar with that tech may have some ideas.

And there are some good threads here on restoring/upgrading the C9 and some members with some real expertise with that unit. Try a search and you should find plenty of info.

  • Thank You 4
  • Community Admin

Welcome @ans1.1, glad you found us.  Check out the many threads on the C-9.


Hope to see some pictures of your projects in new threads... 😉 

  • Thank You 1

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