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Hello from another new guy

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Hello to all,


I have just joined the Carver site community. I recently acquired a Phase Linear 4000 preamp which has become a restoration project due to a number of electrical issues. I'm not sure if this site is in any way involved with the Phase Linear product line or is specifically dedicated to Carver products only. Please let me know if I have (or have not) come to the right place for any information that could guide me through the restoration. 



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Welcome,  @OldSchool74.  So glad you found us.  This "Is the Place To Be!! 😉 


We love all Bob Carver...., that's Phase Linear, Carver Corp, Sunfire, and the later Tube Amps he has developed.


That preamp is a complex one..., I'm not sure if there are any active members here that have one in service, but I do know that Nelion Audio will work on them..., 


As for historical threads, the best way to start would be to browse the various forums, preamps is one.  and/or use the serch function..., it's a bit unique, and takes some playing around to get it to find what you are looking for - but that's like all search buttons, I 'spose.


Again, welcome!  Glad you found us.


And, we'd LOVE to see you start a repair thread on your 4000 project.  Then you'd be helping the next guy.  No rules on repair threads - keep it simple and take lots of pictures. 


Looking forward to your posts.

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Hello OldSchool74 and welcome to thecarversite.com. Glad you found us.


We have the owners and service manuals for the Phase Linear 4000 and 4000 Series II preamps.


You can find them here:


PL 4000 owners manual:


https://thecarversite.com/manuals/PhaseLinearmandir/Phase Linear 4000 Preamplifier Owner Manual.pdf


PL4000 service manual:


https://thecarversite.com/manuals/PhaseLinearmandir/Phase Linear 4000 Preamplifier Service Manual.pdf


PL 4000 Series II owners manual:


https://thecarversite.com/manuals/PhaseLinearmandir/phase linear 4000 Series II Preamplifier Owner Manual.pdf


PL 4000 Series II service manual:


https://thecarversite.com/manuals/PhaseLinearmandir/Phase Linear 4000 Series II Preamplifier Service Manual.pdf


All of our archived manuals can found from the top of any page on the site by clicking or tapping Manuals and Specsheets on the navigation bar at the top of the page. This will bring up a table that resembles an Excel worksheet. Along the bottom of the worksheet are the respective Carver brands that we have documentation for. Clicking or tapping on the brand will take you to our archives for that brand.


I hope that helps, and welcome aboard.



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Thanks everyone for the welcome messages, suggestions and links to the manuals, etc. The repair thread suggested by @AndrewJohn is a great idea so I'll go ahead and start one. Even if it ends up as a tragic story of "what not to do" I'm sure it will be a lot of fun and I'll probably learn a lot in the process - starting with how to write a repair thread!😀

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