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Everything posted by Imafed

  1. Thanks for the kind welcome. I have my MX-130 working, just need to find a few missing knobs and she will be good to go. Anyone have any experience with replacement knobs for these units? I tried a place called circuitsandconcepts on eBay and they actually referred me back to this site :). Thanks, Frank
  2. Hi, I just got an MXR-130 receiver and I am going through it to bring it back to good operating condition. So far I have found one bad cap and I have a few missing knobs. Anxious to get this baby fired up and playing some music. Glad I found this site to help me along the process and maybe I will be able to offer some useful information as well. I have a lot of vintage audio equipment from the late 1970's, having served in the armed forces and accumulated most of my gear overseas. I have an electrical engineering background, now retired, and I'm not afraid to tackle a new project. I look forward to reading through the forums to see what valuable information I may be able to glean. Thank you for allowing me to join the community! Frank
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