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Newbie Paul needs Advice or a best guess on 6250 Reciever ...for$380cdn and a long drive.

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Posted (edited)

I have a second chance at one that appears to be mint ...with demo-ability; in pix of a nice living room; so it's set up and 'everything works'. 

But is thirty-five years too aged ? I scored one from my local thrift for $45 bucks? a decade ago... But of course it lost a channel and I 'returned' it.

I live in an apartment and only get to listen at 'energetic conversation' levels -and let's face it; this is about where most listening is done.

hah! I should quote my $50 PSB Statement Cables ( talk about a python ).  Topping e30 Dac... and my Yaquin vk2100 ( it has toobs ! )  

I am lucky to be listening through a pair of Celestion 5000's. They are better than the 3000's because they are walnut veneer; but I digress... They are rare and have an electrostatic strip a couple of feet long on a 45 degree corner... and very often surprise with excellent imitations of Frank Zappa's musical instruments -but perhaps not his bands; due to that Levels thing...

I say lucky because if I equalize the levels between them and my Stax 300's... there is an equalized level of listening enjoyment...

Sorry for this rambling intro ... but I need some old-timer's advice and here in Whistler it's a long way to a friendly technician...

Perhaps the saving grace is that the 6250 would be under such little stress.

ps: The real problem with audio-philly is that Stereo is Easy compared to finding new music that keeps you up late on a ski-night.

like WakaWazoo or Erie did; if ya' know what i mean...


Edited by g-force
forgot my name.
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  • The title was changed to Newbie Paul needs Advice or a best guess on 6250 Reciever ...for$380cdn and a long drive.

Welcome Paul,


As you pointed out, 30+ years is a long time for a piece of audio gear. Components do wear out and even if there aren't outright failures in those same components, normal degradation may adversely affect audio quality. But the good news is that almost all these pieces of Carver gear can be serviced & restored and brought to good-as-new or better-than-new condition. So in your particular case, it seems to me that the pluses are you can demo the unit and if it's all working, you can just drop it in your rack and start enjoying it. And if something dies down the road, you can ship it for repair. The downside is that if it dies in a relatively short period of time, you can end up with a total cost (initial + repair) way beyond the market value. But that's the risk for using any piece of unrestored vintage audio gear.


That price on the one you're looking at does seem to be full retail. For context, here's one in Canada on eBay for $299 C. They do come up for sale with some regularity if you feel like waiting. But if you're OK with the idea of some risk of using an unrestored vintage piece of audio gear, it's the model you want, it's in great condition, and the pickup logistics work for you, then it sounds like you should jump on it.


Good luck!

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Welcome and buyer beware is not saying that you should shy away from a good deal, but that you need to be aware of the downside to buying anything used. Anyone who has owned a car gets this. It is great that the unit is fully functional if the seller's description of fully functional is the same as yours. Many of us here buy used noting that it will be rebuilt at least to some degree, making it worthwhile if the price is right.

 When I buy a C-9 to restore, I don't care if it works or not, but that is different than what you are needing here for condition of product.

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  • Community Admin

Welcome, @g-force, glad you found us. You have your eye on a nice unit.


I think you can find one for less - unless you are in the hinter-reaches of some far away place that never gets Craigslist or Facebook postings of gear..., I'd try to negotiate a lower price, or find out if that unit is fully restored at that price.


and, don't forget to ask about the "remote control"..., they are getting very difficult to find these days.


initially, I'd try to get a lower price..., point out it's deficiencies, and that you would have to send it in to get it restored for full service and that won't be cheap.  If seller says no, then move on - another will come up for sale.

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