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NickT last won the day on July 22 2024

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About NickT

  • Birthday June 21

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Annandale, New Jersey
  • RealName
    Nick Tucker
  • Occupation
    Programmer and general tinkerer

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5W Resistor

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  1. Listening to the 50th anniversary edition of Dark Side of the Moon, Atmos mix. Interesting take on this classic album. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CGJN1BLY?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
  2. Just received this CD, Diana covers some good songs, but not as well as I had hoped. I'll give it another listen or 2 to be sure
  3. Welcome to the Carver site and the TFM club. I have 2 of the TFM-6C's driving rear surround and Atmos speakers in my setup. Wonderful little amplifiers with huge hearts.
  4. Pat Metheny's Off Ramp. Such a great driving CD and reminds me of driving up and down the East Coast in the '90's.
  5. Saw Madness end their US tour last night in NYC. Amazing show!! Of course have them playing now on the C1 / TFM-25
  6. One of my most favorite albums (yes - album) of all time... Brings back so many memories of the late '70s and early '80's.
  7. I love ELP and especially Greg Lakes acoustic pieces such as this. Miss his incredible voice!
  8. I love the look of the road worn space ship. Very fitting for all the time that has gone by. I'll have to see if I can get a copy of this one. Shame we just lost Mr. Tandy.
  9. Alan Parsons's "From the New World". Back to classic Alan Parsons Project era.
  10. I would go for "Pirates" by Emerson Lake and Palmer. It has a little of everything tossed in.
  11. Went to see Blazing Saddles at Radio City Music Hall in NYC. To top it off Mel Brooks came out for a Q&A afterwards. An amazing evening!
  12. I will assume that Nightfly is now like a sunburn.. it's going to take some time before you will want to venture out and listen to this album again... I certainly enjoyed your write up. I also have a few title that are duplicated across Vinyl, CD and DVDA.. not sure I really want to go through that effort though
  13. wow you have been on quite a journey that none of us could come close to comprehending. Glad you are on the other side and are on the mend!! Welcome to this fantastic site!
  14. I do the same RoboCopy is the way to go: Robocopy <Source folder <Destination folder> /e /s /r:1 /w:1 /purge So to copy all the songs (or just update) in C:\mymusic to the USB drive on "G\MyMusic" it would be: Robocopy c:\mymusic g:\mymusic /e /s /r:10 /w:1 /purge /e = Include empty folders. /s = Include all sub folders /r = Only do 10 retrys (Default 1 million!!) /w = Only wait 1 second between retries /Purge.. Careful with this one.. Using Purge will delete any files on the USB drive that do not exist on the C drive. So the two folders will be a mirror image in the end. If you do not use Purge then anything you delete from the source folder will still exist on the USB drive. Think about that for a sec before using. You can then make a CMD file that includes multiple robocopy lines for the multiple drives: Robocopy c:\mymusic g:\mymusic /e /s /r:1 /w:1 /purge Robocopy c:\mymusic h:\mymusic /e /s /r:1 /w:1 /purge Robocopy c:\mymusic I:\mymusic /e /s /r:1 /w:1 /purge Robocopy c:\mymusic j:\mymusic /e /s /r:1 /w:1 /purge Robocopy has other features such as logging, but for now that's enough out of me
  15. The one and only, the "Mod Father"
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