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About halfbaked

  • Birthday July 17

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  • Location
    Lake Worth Florida

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halfbaked's Achievements

TO-18 Transistor

TO-18 Transistor (10/21)



  1. Notice how the emojis progressed. Thought, awakening then laughter. I believe that complies with your comment. 😃
  2. Global destabilization, ok nothing new. For something completely different how about Global stabilization? 🧐😳🤣
  3. It’s excellent of your endeavor to use vintage Carver car audio. 👍 Keep us posted on your project.
  4. AndrewJohn is an enabler? Such blasphemy. I have my OCCD is under control. Really I mean it, honestly I do. I don’t need no stinking OCCD anonymous groups. If anyone has a ECS-U with a black face, I am willing to trade a wife or first born male child. Other ideas considered. 😁 No, I don’t have a problem. I really don’t. Really I don’t. 🫠
  5. The OCCD is going to be strong with this new member, welcome Lovage. 😁
  6. Rolland of https://carveraudiorepair.com/serv.html is the original authorized Carver repair and will do your tuner. Also Carver CD player if you get one. Rolland does all things Carver. As mentioned above Greg is great with Carver amps especially if you want an upgrade modification.
  7. Welcome back to thecarversite.com and hopefully your life will be free of issues.
  8. Welcome to our small bit of fun
  9. Welcome to our family. 😃
  10. Cheers and salutations for another Carverphile into our site.
  11. Welcome to the family 😎
  12. Another OCCD (Obsessive Carver Collecting Disorder) person entering these pages. 😁 Please enjoy and learn from the Carverphiles that have done so much for the Carver community family.
  13. Johnny_Law there as you are dipping your toe into the world of Carver be aware that once you are bitten by the OCCD bug there is no cure as Carver equipment will seem to be sprouting all about your premises and your significant other might get crossed by your new addiction. You have been warned. 😁
  14. It would be hard not to have it as a sonic improvement, especially after considering the 285. Bob Carver has always been known for improving sound. I believe that Our Bobfather would lead us to the promised land once again. As 4krow has said the Carver promise will have your ears be the judge.
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