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Yamacarver last won the day on April 7 2022

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About Yamacarver

  • Birthday August 25

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    Superstition mountain
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TO-126 Transistor

TO-126 Transistor (13/21)



  1. Welcome, I hope you do get to hear them. Have you found the service manual yet?
  2. Welcome, What amplifier/speakers are you using now?
  3. I think what the magazines do when they find a problem is they'll give them a chance to correct it and may or may not mention it in the review. Here is a good (mostly) review on a vintage piece. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/yamaha-a-1-vintage-amplifier-review.9576/
  4. Sorry for the sarcasm what I meant was they were testing different preamps which of course they probably were. I wouldn't doubt amir's test equipment because not everything fails his test like it would if his equipment was bad. To say it has to be good because so and so designed it is idol worship. Also they have had three years to submit a properly functioning unit which they haven't. And I will reiterate that I wouldn't trust a magazine reviewer who takes advertising money. I'm calling snake oil.
  5. It's almost like they were testing two different pieces of equipment lol The channels don't even match. I don't believe a magazine would ever give a bad review to someone they take advertising money from. That's why we have consumer reports. I've tried to "not like" Amir but I just can't do it LOL Maybe he should just put tube sound amplifiers in a separate category since 0 distortion is not the goal. Distortion just means the signal has changed, it doesn't indicate whether it's for better or for worse as that is objective, however I'm sure most would agree that second or third order harmonics sound better than the power supply. I made an amplifier switch and did some AB testing of this Yamaha (200 wpc) against my TFM 22 (225 wpc) that has 250 times more distortion. The difference was too small for me or another listener to have a preference. I had it set up to where you could hear the same clip repeatedly through the same speakers and switch back and forth instantly.
  6. Hi and welcome to the Carver site. I think most of these have thermal protection, have you downloaded the service manual?
  7. The pictures of that old Bridgeport take me back a long time. The vari drive I think they called it, when you turn the wheel, one pulley widens, and the belt goes deeper in the groove effectively decreasing its diameter while the other pulley does the opposite. Mine had quick change collets like the NC tape reader equipped models that were soon replaced by the fadal vmc.
  8. Good question. I think it is to allow a vertical path for the cooling air to flow over the power transistors. One with dedicated heat sinks and the other design without. The fan was not in the original design but added for the pro model I believe.
  9. Are you familiar with this company? https://www.audiograph.se Swedish company AudioGraph, the home of the PowerCube, continues to develop measurement tools for the audio industry. AudioGraph created the de-facto business standard 3-D measurement graphs – easy-to-read yet very powerful I'm surprised this wasn't done a long time ago.
  10. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/howard-stern-number-one-band-of-all-time/?amp I was afraid to click on this. Funny that I just ordered that CD on about the day this article came out LOL
  11. Does it have a triac? I'd try and figure out why it's not powering off.
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