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Everything posted by dcl

  1. We went with the happytrails to his concert tour coming through Asheville, NC several years ago. A small music hall no longer there but the memories dance when strolling by the old venue.
  2. A nod to the inspirational Hendrix.
  3. "Trading big romantic gestures in the one moment with impressionist subtlety in the next, the pianist's fingers navigate across the keys with rare conviction, as if he were reading the music off a sheet. In the process, Wania demonstrates relentless precision and effortless speed that appear to be informed by his background in classical music. The conflation of the classical world of piano music and jazz amount to an abundance of nuances, textures and forms in the hands of the pianist, covering a wide range of impressions, emotions and atmospheres in a matter of under an hour." continued
  4. Ritual groove music for the morning.
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