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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2021 in Posts

  1. Hello all! I hope you're enjoying the Carversite! and all it has to offer. The current Administrators are: wrf - Lead Administrator Nahash5150 - Tech Staff AndrewJohn - Community Administrator The current Moderators are: Compwaco - Chief Global Moderator Sk1bum - Moderator An Administrator's job is to protect the community. Admins also assign medals/badges, approve new arrivals, organize the boards, moderate threads, assign roles, maintain the database, enforce the rules, and manage complaints. They also present ideas to the leadership for possible implementation. The Lead Administrator sets the agenda and the rules and manages all the Member Groups. The Community Administrator keeps the information organized, performs regular tasks, and manages the Moderators. Moderators keep the boards safe and fun. Moderators are not here to stifle free-speech, arm-twist or intimidate participants. They ensure that threads are kept organized and remain on-topic, and as active participants themselves, preserve the spirit of the community. Moderators, like the Admins, are here for you so that you feel welcome to share and participate without the worry of being harassed or flamed for it. If you have just signed up, then you are Inbound rank. You have limited access and you can't upload files yet. In order to advance to basic membership, you need over 6 positive reputation points. Reactions, such as 'thank you' to your content increase your positive reputation. There are three basic member Roles: Novice Member Resident A Novice is new to the forum. They have limited access but can participate in the most popular forums such as Way Offscale and The Chain. In order to advance to Member, we expect a certain amount of activity to evaluate their willingness to be a part of the community. The post count required to advance to Member is 100. (If you are currently a Member and don't have 100 posts, you will not be 'demoted'). A Member is considered an active participant. They have nearly full access to the site and its resources, and can progress in rank and earn medals by sharing their experiences in the audio world with the Site. As time goes on, a Member can eventually become a Resident or play a role as part of the Administration. A Resident is a highly active member who calls this place home and acts as a council member with the Administration. Residents are participants who are willing to take on the challenge of discussing site policies and provide the site with valuable resources - such as funds, time and talents. Greatly concerned for the site's well-being, Residents work hard to welcome new 'inbounds', encourage participation by starting topics of interest - and offer Karmas, skills and knowledge to all who visit. There is a special Member Role: Carver repair/mod Team Carver repair/mod Team - Chosen only by the Administrator, these members are trusted with their skill to work on audio gear. They actively take work and offer a variety of services. They are also essential to the site's 'helpful hand' in assisting those who need help with their troubled gear. Carver Repair Team members are also Residents by default. There are two consequential Roles: Retired Sandbox A Retired Member is a participant who has either shown a disinterest in the community but has not violated the rules, or one who has 'moved on' and no longer wishes to be an active member. This is not a disdained Role, but a Role for members who for one reason or another, do not wish to be part of the community's growth (for example). Retirement is a friendly, mutual agreement between the administration and the member. Retired members have limited access. When a participant is Sandboxed, they have violated the forums rules. A warning is always issued before a participant is Sandboxed. If the warning is ignored, and participant continues to break rules or cause trouble - an Administrator, with the consent of the Moderators, will curtail their activity for an indefinite amount of time. Removal of the Sandbox status can only be done by the Site Owner or Administrator. This forum has a lot of options for you to find information, participate, and organize how you read and keep up with activity. Remember that you can do the following: - Follow a Topic (so that if anyone posts to it, you are notified) - Follow a Member (so that you are notified of Status Updates and more) - Post a Status Update (a personal message for your friends that is public access) - Send Private messages - View Activity according to date, member, or topic (check 'Activity' in the top menu) - Post pictures and even create a gallery (Novice or above rank) - Share links, videos and files - Browse technical Manuals, white papers and spec sheets And so much more! Our goal is to maintain a site that is welcoming, helpful, courteous and fun. With audio and Carver as our common ground, we wish to stay focused on the music, and all the creativity that results. Have a great day! Hashy
    1 point
  2. I’m only about 5 hours from Bozeman, 8 hours from Missoula😉
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Can I upload pictures directly from my computer? Thanks
    1 point
  5. I'm trying to PM pictures but it keeps saying only allowed 1 per day and I haven't sent any today?
    1 point
  6. Thank you Sk1bum. I did take away a misinterpretation of the C-11 - thanks for straightening that out for me.
    1 point
  7. Nelson Rangell "By Light" released 2019...Enjoy!
    1 point
  8. I just want to take a moment and thank all that have contributed to this thread - it has evolved into exactly what I hoped it would, and has become one of my favorite places to visit on the site. I have found so much new music that I enjoy, that I most likely never would have found had it not been for you all sharing so freely. THANK YOU!
    1 point
  9. Zippy Limit, Rencontre was released on November 13, 2020. "The name of the Zippy Limit group means nothing! It was a musician friend who called this song Zippy or Zippy Limit. When we were looking for a name for our band, we thought these two words sounded good together! As for the title of the album Rencontre, this project is a real human encounter. Hervé the bassist, Jean-Pierre the drummer and Christophe the pianist had formed JPCM Trio. A Jam gave us the opportunity to play together with Jean-Marc the saxophonist and Eric the guitarist. We immediately found ourselves on the same page and the idea of creating a group of compositions was obvious." You can read the rest of the article here... (it's in French)
    1 point
  10. The Cars All Mixed Up (LIVE 1978)
    1 point
  11. That is awesome. Please PM me with pics. I would like to see what you have. And welcome to the site. I’m not in Montana but Michigan starts with an M.
    0 points
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