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New Member Intro and Sunfire MK-IV repair help

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Hello All,


I have owned a  Sunfire HRS-8 Sub for about 4 years. I was so impressed with it's performance that when a Sunfire True Subwoofer MKIV came up for sale on the Goodwill auction site I had to take a chance on it. Unfortunately when I plugged it in it has a very loud hum. After spending some time searching the internet for repair help I came across this site. I already have several of the electrolytic caps on order. But I have not had much luck finding a schematic for this beast. I would very much appreciate any help from anyone that has gone down this road before.

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Hello Steve, and welcome to thecarversite.com. We're glad you're hear. ;) There is a lot of information here, much technical know how, and a pretty good bunch of folks that are happy to help.


I have no experience with Sunfire subs, but hopefully someone here that does will chime in. There are some threads regarding Sunfire sub repair, so maybe this link will help:


https://thecarversite.com/search/?q="sunfire subs"&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy

Once you get to Novice status, please consider uploading some pics of your gear in the Members Systems area. We all like pics of all kinds of audio gear.

In the meantime, kick your shoes off, turn up the music, and welcome aboard.




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Welcome to the site!


There are few members that have dug deep in to the Sunfire subs.


Keep searching the site.


Be patient for someone to respond... it's summer :)



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Unfortunately we don't have a schematic for the TS MK IV.  We have them for the TS EQ and the TS Junior, but no MkIV.


Here's a thread that offers several tips.  In general, the TS MK "X" subs are full of bad capacitors.  Problems with hum, auto on/off, strange pops and clicks are common.  A good policy is to replace them all except the two big ones mounted to the front panel.  If you want to cherry pick, a good place to start are the low voltage power supply caps in the corner of the bottom board, mounted next to all the hot resistors.  There are also four smaller caps clustered together on the preamp board, that are among the first to go.


BE CAREFUL.  The big high voltage supply caps hold a charge for a VERY long time.  Best to check them and discharge them before touching anything.  They can and will deliver a serious shock that can blow the tips off screw drivers, burn body parts and leave you with numb hands or fingers.


Here's a post that may help.  There are other, look around.




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  • Community Admin

Welcome, @Steve Snow, glad you found us.


That's a good sub - and worth fixing, if it is not catastrophically damaged.


Hang around a while, and add some content.  We love pictures!

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Hello and welcome to the site. I had a MK4 Sunfire that was fine in my house but when plugged into a friend of mine he had a bad hum. Try different rooms on different circuits and see if it makes a difference. He eventually found a circuit that was quiet. 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for all of the welcomes and repair tips. Sorry I have been busy with other things haven't had a chance to check back on this board.(One of them being repairing an old Franklin Ace computer) Now I can get back to working on the sub. So far I have only replaced the two 2200 uf capacitors. That seems to have gotten rid of the hum. But now when I try to drive it with an audio signal I only get loud pops every now and then. I'm going to read through the tips that wrf posted. The sub appears to be in good physical condition and I would say I am the first one to have opened it since it was new. Like wrf suggested, I think I'll start replacing all of the low voltage caps.

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