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  1. Today
  2. Philadelphia honored Lee Morgan with a new historical marker and I just found out his grave site is just 6.1 miles from where I live. https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/philly-jazz-legend-lee-morgan-s-gravestone-vanished-before-being-unearthed-by-a-fan-the-city-just-honored-morgan-with-a-new-historical-marker/ar-AA1o33QF?ocid=BingNewsSerp
  3. Yesterday
  4. Gonna do some more testing on this M500t. I found several bad resistors and replaced them it there must be a reason they failed. Looking at transistors now and found Q116,118 shorted. My main voltages look good (42 and 74v ) from the power supply. This is a way different amp than I’m used to.
  5. Welcome to the site!! Nice post on the 15cb meter repair.
  6. Hello to everyone ,I would like say Thank you to everyone here , it is because of you I have a modded , recapped and working Carver C1 and TFM15CB. Thanks
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